A compact first aid rucksack that offers excellent portability for the first aider. The bag features double zip-pulls that allow the bag to open fully, offering easy viewing of the products required in an emergency. Elasticated loops, sealable pockets,
Contains a large array of contents from dressings, wipes, ice packs, eye wash, bandages, gloves, shears, tape, dressing pads, plasters,, crepe bandages, eye pad dressings, skin closure strips, foil blankets.
NOTE - we can make bespoke rucksacks up to your needs, don't hesitate to contact us for any enquiries. If you require a bulk buy deal we can also discount, Thanks
The Critical Injury Pack is designed to provide immediate, life-saving first aid to someone who has sustained a severe bleeding injury in the workplace.
Appropriate numbers of this pack should be stored, in line with the risks assessed.
Employers should take into consideration the maximum number of people on site at any one time.
The Critical Injury Pack is designed to provide immediate, life-saving first aid to someone who has sustained a severe bleeding injury in the workplace. UK Ambulance Services are targeted on reaching a patient within 8 minutes, however, when dealing with catastrophic bleeding every second counts and can mean the difference between life and death. There is nothing in the standard Small/Medium/Large First Aid Kits that be used to stem a catastrophic bleed. Recent Health & Safety Executive guidance now recommends employers provide Haemostatic Dressings and Tourniquets in their first aid provisions for employees working with an identified risk of obtaining severe bleeding injuries.
The Critical Injury Pack is designed to be issued one per person (obviously only to employees exposed to the risk). The injured person then has their pack used on them, rather than a first aider using their pack on someone else. The HSE recommends that employers arrange training for staff if tourniquets and/or haemostatic dressings are provided in the workplace.
The Critical Injury Pack is also intended for Drop/Throw distribution in the event of a mass casualty incident; such as a terrorist attack. Police can’t allow Paramedics into the hot zone of any mass casualty incident until it has been declared safe. This can take a long time, especially if there a lot of areas to clear and this may be too long for the immediate treatment that is required for the types of severe bleeding injuries which are incurred in these types of situations. The Critical Injury Pack can be stored in bulk to allow bystanders and patients already in the restricted areas to treat wounds.
2 Haemostatic Wound Treatments, 2 Dressings, Trauma, Large1 Foil Blanket, Adult2 Gloves, Pairs1 Guidance Leaflet1 Shears1 Tourniquet
Premium Sports Kit in water resistant zip bag, with various compartments for easy storage, durable material in vibrant blue colour. Contents consist of Medium Dressings Large Dressings Instant ice Packs Hot cold pack EAB Tape triangular bandage Zinc oxide tape micropurous tape blister plasters dressing pads Sterile Wound Wipes plasters Freeze spray. Ideal for various sports such as Football or Rugby.
3 Bandages, Conforming 7.5cm x 4m1 Burn Gel, Bottle 125ml8 Burn Gel, Sachets 3.5g1 Dressing, Burn 20cm x 20cm2 Dressings, Burn 10cm x 10cm2 Dressings, Burn 5cm x 15cm1 Gloves, Pair1 Guidance Leaflet1 Shears
When not treated rapidly and effectively, burns will continue damaging the skin after the heat source has been removed, and the consequences multiply by the second.
The development of highly specialised gel-soaked dressings has made it possible to halt the damaging effect of a burn in its tracks, even where no water is available.
Filled with BurnSoothe dressings and gels, this kit is not simply a kitchen essential, but an absolute must wherever burns present a hazard. Designed for immediate deployment in an emergency, the feature-packed carry bag contains fast and effective treatments for burns and scalds in the workplace or at home.
LOW RISK 1 kit per 1-25 employees.
HIGH RISK 1 kit per 1-5 employees.
Simple, economical, practical carry case.
Compliant to latest BSi standard.
All content HSE approved.
Ensures best practice is observed.
Small Contents -
A Large Workplace First Aid Kit containing:
3 x Disposable Heat Retaining Foil Blankets, Adult
3 x Microporous Tape 2.5cm X 10m
4 x Sterile Moist Cleansing Wipes (Packs of 10)
4 x Non-Sterile Disposable Triangular Bandages 90cm X 90cm X 130cm
1 x Tuff-Kut Scissors
12 x Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves, Large (Pairs)
2 x Revive-Aid
2 x Burnshield® Dressings 10cm X 10cm
4 x No.16 Sterile Eye Pad Dressings
6 x Medium HSE Sterile Dressings 12cm X 12cm
4 x Large HSE Sterile Dressing 18cm X 18cm
4 x Sterile Finger Dressings 3.5cm X 3.5cm
2 x Conforming Bandages 7.5cm X 4.5m
10 x Washproof Plasters, Assorted Sizes (Packs of 10)
1 x First Aid in an Emergency Booklet
1 x Wall Bracket
A concern which is shared by all business owners is the safety of their employees. Whilst they are carrying out work which is a part of their job role, it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that their staff are safe and that any injuries which do occur, however unlikely these may be, are dealt with properly. One aspect of this safety is the regular training of a select number of staff with the current ‘Health and Safety at Work’ practices. It is fundamental that those qualified to perform first aid can do so effectively and every business should, therefore, have the appropriate first aid equipment available on site at all times.
It is important to note that different environments will present different injuries and, therefore, it is important that in each setting the first aider is properly equipped. This range of Statutory First Aid Kits is designed specifically for use within an environment where there is a low risk of accidents occurring; it is compact without compromising on safety.
This first aid kit comes in three different sizes, all of which are designed to equip the first aider with everything they could ever need, in a well organised and easy-to-store container.
The contents of each kit is identical across all three sizes, with a greater quantity being supplied in the medium and large options. The ‘Kit Contents’ chart has all of the details about each variant.
Kit Contents
Item Quantity
First aid in emergency booklet
Medium dressing 12cm x 12cm
Large dressing 18cm x 18cm
Triangular bandage
Finger dressing 3.5cm x 3.5cm
Conforming bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m
Eye-pad (No.16 Sterile Dressing)
Washproof plasters (assorted) 10pk
Sterile moist cleansing wipes 10pk
Microporous tape 2.5mm x 10m
Nitrile powder-free gloves (pair)
Disposable heat retaining foil blanket
Burnshield burns dresing 10x10cm
Wall Bracket
Tuff-kut scissors
Contents are suited to treat a wide range of first aid applications and supplied in a premium waterproof Koolpak Touchline Bag
Ideal to treat minor sports related injuries such as bruises, minor lacerations or soft tissue damage
Ideal to have on the sidelines or in the changing rooms ready to treat a range of every day first aid
Ideal for any sports team playing at any level
Variety of bandages and dressings ensures more serious injuries can be addressed prior to medical professional treatment
Approved by several County Football Associations
Endorsed by the Rugby Football League (RFL)
Bag Dimensions: 390 x 280 x 190mm
Antiseptic Wipes
1 x Conforming Bandage 7.5 x 4cm
2 x Crepe Bandages 5 x 4.5cm
1 x Crepe Bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m
1 x First Aid Guidance Leaflet
1 x Foil Blanket
1 x Gauze Swabs 5pk
1 x Latex Gloves (pair)
1 x Low Adherent Dressing 10 x 10cm
1 x Low Adherent Dressing 5 x 5cm
1 x Microporous Dressing Tape 1.25 x 5m
1 x Resus Face Shield
6 x Safety Pins
1 x Scissors
2 x Self Seal Waste Bags
1 x Sports Instant Ice Pack
1 x Sterile Dressing Large
1 x Sterile Dressing Medium
1 x Sterile Eye Pad
2 x Triangular Bandages
20 x Washproof Plasters
1 x Zinc Oxide Tape 2.5 x 5m
1 x Zinc Oxide Tape 5 x 5m
1 x Touchline Bag
Catering kit plus:
A catering kit that can be used in addition to regulation kits that contains many extra items to provide better protection in the kitchen environment.
ContentsCleansing wipes – 2Fingerbob blue – 4Fingerstall blue – 2Guidance note – 1HSE medium dressing – 1Low adherent dressing – 2Microporous tape – 2Plasters assorted blue – 100Scissors budget – 1Triangular bandage – 2Safety pins – 6Scissors tuffcut – 1Triangular bandage – 2